Friday, June 8, 2007

Hey, everyone!

Just a quick a sick daughter who wants me to cuddle with her.

Thanks, Stef, for setting this up! (BTW--Had no idea you were in Cleveland; we were in your neck of the woods last weekend!) I'm living in Rochester, just one mile from my parents' house (how crazy is that?) Check out my profile for more details. Here are some pics of my family (now I need to find a decent one of me--why is it I'm always behind the camera?!) Can't wait to hear more about how everyone is doing and see more family photos! (Stef, your family is lovely, and you haven't changed a bit!)


Rich and Kayla



Vonzo said...

Oooo - if your (cute!) hubby has his way, your gilrs will not be allowed to date until they are 35! They have your famous 'bedroom eyes' we all envy!!

Stephanie said...

Hi Christine! We were actually in Chicago last weekend, but in Rochester for Memorial Day weekend.

What beautiful daughters you have!
I know what you mean about being behind the camera - why is it the with film, the dads took all the photos, but with digital, its the moms?

Anonymous said...

Christine...your girls are just total cuties!! Looking forward to more pics!