Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Gorgeous girls!

Hey Ann Marie,
Your girls are gorgeous!! What cuties! If you have any more pics, would love to see them.
And speaking of pics - who knew we all had such great ones from good ol' high school days?? And I forget - did Carrie date Terry Hickey?? That picture made me think 'yes.' I'll try and see if I have any more from high school - I know I at least have one of Yvonne and me looking veeeerryy young and new wave-ish.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Michael Wydra with his arm around me!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Part 2 - Pics From Anne's Collection

As promised, more pics!

Pics From Anne's Collection

Here are some pics I found!! A few more to follow. Hope you enjoy them...Anne

Monday, June 18, 2007

Pics are great!!!

I love all the pics being posted!!! I have to get out my old ones - I know I at least have a few to share. So, Yvonne, found out yet if your old "love" (Adam) will be there? Tee hee. I must say, I think we've all held up very well over the years!!! Love the effect of "before and after" pics - it's been fun seeing pictures of everyone "now" and to hear about what they're up to.
So, who is actually going to show up to this thing? I've lost track of who can make it and who can't (well, I know Sandra can't and Corinna is unsure). By the way, Stephanie, did you decide if you're bringing your arm candy (as Yvonne calls it) or not? I'll be solo, since Pat has to work, but that may be a good thing, since not sure which ghosts will arise from the past ;o) (yah, like I have a lot).
So...anyone remember any good high school stories...? I do remember Carlyn's parents being out of town and all the general mischief we used to get up to at her house. I remember the party she threw, having to put something (kitty litter?) on a beer spot, and having her parent's stereo stolen (by Sean Whats-his-face and Marcos Bari?). I remember Marcos B. living next door and thinking of ways to taunt him. I also remember we were all set to have a small gathering at Carlyn's one night and all of a sudden a bunch of guys showed up, thinking something more was going on.
Geez, can't wait for the reunion to dredge up the past.

Ok ladies ... MORE AND MORE PICS!!

Can you believe how many I was able to find!? I am planning on uploading many of these - please let me know this week which pics you are NOT OK with me uploading. I saved the pics with discriptive names that hopefully remind us which is what and where.

Love u Vonzo

Yvonne Collage by the artist formerly known as Carlyn Mac Farlyn

Sorry guys - I am trying to get up to speed on the whole scanning, uploading, cropping thing. We have an HP all in one piece of CRAP! It is NOT user friendly - so if anyone knows how to use an HP 7410 wireless all in one, I would LOVE a tutorial ... oh yeah, forgot - Stephanie, a P&P is 'policies and procedures'.



Vonzo pics

The 1st is at my house in Pittsford - prom night before Adam came to get me.

Vonzo testing her blogging SKILZ

Thursday, June 14, 2007

We haven't aged a day

Looking at all those pictures - I swear that none of us have aged a day. Sure we got rid of the Glasses, braces, perms, 80's clothes...but that was necessary!

I love the one of Anne and Jan - you two look like you are defending your turf or something.
I can't believe I got everyone at least once!

Jen - I have some other pictures for the Reunion site. If anyone does not want any of these pictures put on that website - speak now or forever hold your peace.

The one of Yvonne posing - is the one I picture every time I thought of Yvonne over the years. It's so Yvonne.

Do you remember Gigi Kronenberg? Who are the other girls in the Senior Night photo of all of us? Laurelyn I know, but the other girl in the top row center - I can't remember her name.
Funny how most of us are in the picture.

Okay - got to go. Need sleep.

Can't wait to hear your comments on these pictures. I'm so glad I'm a pack rat - these pictures have moved MANY MANY TIMES. I was able to use my HP printer editing software to enhance the pictures some. I'm sure photo shop would have done a better job, but hey - you can recognize yourselves right?


One More

Oops - some more

Last one, Enjoy

More pictures

Pictures from the Past

Sunday, June 10, 2007

A quick hello & send me your mailing addresses!

A big thanks and kudos to Stephanie for setting this Blog up for us – great job!!! I am appreciative of it and more so in being back in touch with all of you guys! I have already shared via email and posted my updated pics on the now former myspace page…so won’t bore you with any more for now. I agree with you Christine…always finding myself on the other side of the camera being the one who takes the pics. However, I must admit, I hate having my picture taken, so enjoy being the photographer for the most part so as not to get caught in a shot!

Well, I have managed to catch up with just about all of you on the past 20 years…and look forward to continuing to do so and keeping in touch for the next 20+ years! I am already wracking my brain trying to come up with a list of BHS memories that I promised Vonzo I would do so I can take you all on a trip down memory lane. It is harder than I thought it would be to recall all those crazy and fun times from 20 years ago!

So….none of you responded to sharing your mailing addresses…hmmmm….could it be you are scared of what the Coolie Club t-shirt re-makes may look like?...or that you fear one of your former BHS pals may show up on your doorstep one day? Neither is the case I assure you! Vonzo has already given me some great ideas for the shirts – design wise. Yes, seriously and sadly I was not kidding about having them redone…and you each WILL be getting one. So…if you could, drop me a separate email with your address…and preferred shirt size that would be most helpful! Please also email me your birthday (include your kiddos b-days too is you want!). Then I will forward and email that info, of course excluding shirt sizes to all of you. And with the 2 upcoming pregnancies in early December for Corrina and Sandra, I am sure there will be some baby gifts flying about as well…so addresses would come in handy. On that note, Corrina/Sandra…do you guys or are you going to find out what you are having (boy/girl)? Yep, you got it, I am already thinking of CC shirts for our kids too…just kidding!

Enjoy the rest of your weekends…love you all!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Hey, everyone!

Just a quick post...got a sick daughter who wants me to cuddle with her.

Thanks, Stef, for setting this up! (BTW--Had no idea you were in Cleveland; we were in your neck of the woods last weekend!) I'm living in Rochester, just one mile from my parents' house (how crazy is that?) Check out my profile for more details. Here are some pics of my family (now I need to find a decent one of me--why is it I'm always behind the camera?!) Can't wait to hear more about how everyone is doing and see more family photos! (Stef, your family is lovely, and you haven't changed a bit!)


Rich and Kayla


Hey Hey

Hi all,

Good to hear from everyone!! Everyone looks and sounds great!! I am still here in good old Rochester(so you are not alone Carrie). Yvonne, I have a great friend who lives out in San Diego so I may be out there sooner than I think!! Well, just seeing if I can use this blogger because I really stink at computers in general!! Keep sending pics!! I love them!

Hey, that pic was taken on the back deck of our house!!! Way cool!! (For those who don't know, I got a chance to see Stephanie last summer when she was in Seattle.)
Thanks, Stephanie, for setting this up!! I'll try and get the hang of it. I'm a little blog illiterate....

Thursday, June 7, 2007


I've already forgotten what PNP stands for...

Okay, here are the instructions for posting your very own blog entries, complete with pictures.

By now, you should have received an email invitation to come join the blog as an author. If you didn't, please email me and I'll make sure you get one. The email will have a link to click to accept the invitation. It will take you to a Google account page and ask you to sign in. If you have a Google account (for example a gmail account), use that name and password. If you don't, follow the links to set up a free Google account. All you need is a valid email address - it's just checking that a real human being is logging on, not some spam computer program.

That's it! Now you are an author of the blog. There are two ways to post a new message to the blog:
(1) go to www.blogger.com, and log in.
(2) go to www.BHSgirls20yearslater.blogspot.com, and click "sign in" in the upper right corner. Log in.

You will now be at the "dashboard" page, where you will see a list of the blogs you have joined (if you belong to more than one). Under "20 years later", click "new post". Now you will be at a page with a title box, and a text box.

First, give your post a title.
Next, start typing! At the top of the text box are icons and buttons that let you change the font, change the color, type really big,or really small. Got it? You can basically edit the text like you would in any application.

Want to add a picture? See the little blue and green icon inbetween the spellcheck and the eraser? Click it. A window will open and offer you two ways to upload a picture.

(1) upload directly to Blogger. Use the "browse" button to upload a copy of a photo from your hard drive to Blogger. We get 1024 MB of free photo space, which works out to (about) 1000 photos. As we fill up that space, the blog will load more slowly, but unless someone is using a dialup connection, shouldn't be too big a problem.

(2) upload from another site. If you have your photos on a server site like Photobucket or Flickr, click this button. Open your photo account, and copy the URL for the picture you want. Then, paste it into the space on the Blogger photoupload window. If you have a photo account, please consider using it for your photos to save space for those who don't. If you have no idea what I'm talking about and don't want to know, just follow step 1 above.

After the photo is uploaded, Blogger will insert it at the top of your post - you can click and drag, or cut and paste it to wherever you want in your text.

All done? Then click "publish post" - the orange button just underneath the text window. That's it!

Please feel free to email me (slcastro_at_hotmail_dot_com) -replace the _at_ with @ and the _dot_ with . or call me 440-250-0336 if you need help (or just want to chat!). Best time to reach me on the phone is between about 7 and 10 pm, Eastern time, or on the weekends.

I hope you will all find this a convenient way to keep in touch and show off our beautiful families!

Best to you all -
Stephanie (and Mike, and Audrey)

Hey Hey!

Testing Vonzo's Skillz

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Testing, Testing...

Okay, here goes!

Welcome Ladies to our Blog! I'm setting this up to make it easy for us to share our lives and photos with each other before and after the reunion. (You can post during too, but I think we'll be having too much fun to get out the laptop, no?)

I'm hoping to make this as easy as possible for everybody - I don't know how much internet/blog experience you all have. Here's how it works (until further notice):

Anybody can read the blog. It's on the internet, after all. So be free and open, but not TOO free and open. I'm the blog admin and don't want to end up banned from Blogger for indecent posting.

Anybody can post a comment to the blog. When someone creates a new post, a "comments" button appears at the bottom of the post. So, if I post a picture of my daughter, you could all leave me a comment that says "Cute kid!"

Anybody I add to the author's list can create a new post (article) to the blog. Please have patience while I figure out how to do this. Yvonne will be my guinea pig, 'kay Vonzo?

Next post will have detailed directions on how to create a post and add piccies to it!

Okay, now the disclaimer. I've got it set up right now so anybody can read, and anybody can comment. That means you won't need to be a member, or enter passwords or anything to join in the reading and commenting. If we develop a problem with spammers however (you know, those annoying people who leave porn links in your email inbox, or want to sell you a Rolex for $29.99), I'll have to turn the restrictions on. I don't anticipate a problem, but you never know.