Sunday, June 10, 2007

A quick hello & send me your mailing addresses!

A big thanks and kudos to Stephanie for setting this Blog up for us – great job!!! I am appreciative of it and more so in being back in touch with all of you guys! I have already shared via email and posted my updated pics on the now former myspace page…so won’t bore you with any more for now. I agree with you Christine…always finding myself on the other side of the camera being the one who takes the pics. However, I must admit, I hate having my picture taken, so enjoy being the photographer for the most part so as not to get caught in a shot!

Well, I have managed to catch up with just about all of you on the past 20 years…and look forward to continuing to do so and keeping in touch for the next 20+ years! I am already wracking my brain trying to come up with a list of BHS memories that I promised Vonzo I would do so I can take you all on a trip down memory lane. It is harder than I thought it would be to recall all those crazy and fun times from 20 years ago!

So….none of you responded to sharing your mailing addresses…hmmmm….could it be you are scared of what the Coolie Club t-shirt re-makes may look like?...or that you fear one of your former BHS pals may show up on your doorstep one day? Neither is the case I assure you! Vonzo has already given me some great ideas for the shirts – design wise. Yes, seriously and sadly I was not kidding about having them redone…and you each WILL be getting one. So…if you could, drop me a separate email with your address…and preferred shirt size that would be most helpful! Please also email me your birthday (include your kiddos b-days too is you want!). Then I will forward and email that info, of course excluding shirt sizes to all of you. And with the 2 upcoming pregnancies in early December for Corrina and Sandra, I am sure there will be some baby gifts flying about as well…so addresses would come in handy. On that note, Corrina/Sandra…do you guys or are you going to find out what you are having (boy/girl)? Yep, you got it, I am already thinking of CC shirts for our kids too…just kidding!

Enjoy the rest of your weekends…love you all!

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